Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Daycroft School

Daycroft School empowers all children to discover their true potential — what makes them unique, what sparks their curiosity, and how they can best learn and grow.  We cultivate a vibrant, inclusive community of diverse voices and experiences; create equitable opportunities for children and staff of all backgrounds; and instill a sense of humanity that both honors and transcends difference.

– Adopted by the Board of Trustees in May, 2021

Ways that Daycroft School lives our DEI commitment

  • Pollyanna racial literacy curriculum from Y5/K-6th grade

  • Culture units as a core curriculum in every classroom

  • Families are invited into our classes to share their heritage

  • Flexible tuition for families with financial needs

  • Learning specialist works with students

  • Curriculum tailored to meet each student academically

  • Diverse and inclusive selection of reading materials in the classrooms and library

  • Teachers work on identity and unconscious bias

“…we must be humble and root out the prejudices lurking in our hearts. We must not suppress those traits which can help us in our teaching, but we must check those inner attitudes characteristic of adults that can hinder our understanding of a child.”

“An education capable of saving humanity is no small undertaking: it involves the spiritual development of man, the enhancement of his value as an individual, and the preparation of young people to understand the times in which they live.”

– Maria Montessori



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Learn about Daycroft’s Mission