Enrichment Programs

Daycroft School is excited to offer an excellent lineup of after-school enrichment activities each semester. Classes, which may vary between semesters, offer a deeper dive into various activities such as STEM, Karate, Soccer, Chess, Yoga, Violin & String classes, Running Club and Piano lessons. Enrichment classes will not be held on days when there is no school for students, which includes seasonal breaks, conferences and snow days. Enrichment teachers will make arrangements to make up a class should there be two or more snow days for a particular class. Registration will begin online at the beginning of each semester (September and January) through our dedicated CampBrain website.
Please email the Director of Auxiliary Programs, Michele McGrath, michelem@daycroft.org, if you have any questions. Parents may also log back into their account to visit registration details for their student.

Learn more about Daycroft’s Summer Camp!